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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  August 21, 2012 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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perfect grades and their text messaging and their extremely mild cursing. if there is our future, nobody' getting diplomas. -- we're all going to hell in a hand basket. doh, i said it again too. that's all. the candidate and senator todd akin refuses to step aside. explicitly call for him to step aside. and federal judges take a $1 million trip to maui. nice if you can get it. we follow the money for government waste. and also, college police say that police brutality is the reason for him being punched in handcuffs, and there are video of the arrest, and do to brutality claims add up? let's go "outfront."
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well, good evening, everyone, i'm erin burnett and "outfront" tonight, defining the party, and todd akin the infamous congressman who talked about women fending off pregnancy from a quote legitimate rape is sticking with the republicans even if the republicans are not sticking with him. an hour ago the deadline passed for him to get out of the missouri state race without penalty and he stayed in. >> i have not done anything morally or ethically wrong, and in politics people do a lot of talking and to get a word in the wrong place is not a wrong thing to do, but it seems like an overreaction. >> overreaction and don't tell that to mitt romney. late this afternoon after akin had made it clear he is not going to step aside, romney released a statement saying, quote, this fellow missourians urged him to step aside and i think that he should accept their counsel, and exit the
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senate race. and don't tell the republican party chairman reince priebus not to overreact. this is what he had to say last night. >> i would prefer todd akin do what is right for the candidates and prefer him not come. >> a message pretty clear from the republicans don't let the door hit you on the way out, todd akin, but this the awkward timing, it is time to discuss the party platform, and it is convention time, and in tampa where the convention begins in six days the committee made some decisions today in meetings. since 1984, the republicans have voted to include in the platform, a constitutional ban on abortion. it is called a human life amendment, and there is no language allowing for exemptions in cases of rape or incest. this is not something that mitt romney, the presumptive boss of the party says that he agrees with, and in fact, he has been
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very clear on this in the past couple of days not hedging at all. the statement yesterday on abortion in the wake of the akin scandal could not be clearer. a romney/ryan administration would not oppose abortions in instances of rape. and other republicans disagree with the platform as well. four years ago the party nominee, john mccain, tried to change the language of the republican party platform to specifically include exceptions for rape and incest, and today, republican scott brown sent a letter to the chair of the republican party saying this is a mistake because it fails to recognize the views of pro choice republicans like myself, but the language remained unchanged in the party platform today. but, scott brown is an interesting point, because when you look at the numbers, it shows this issue is important. 67% of the republicans and 75% of the independents, and so not even looking at the democrats here, but these are republicans and independents who could vote for mitt romney. they think that abortion should be legal in cases of rape or
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incest, and 59% of people who say they are pro life feel this way, too. outfront tonight, congresswoman marcia blackburn from tennessee, and she is chairman of the platform committee and voted for language to remain the same today and i spoke with her a couple of moments ago and i started by asking her about those poll numbers. >> erin, you are going to find that there are the republican party is going to support a culture of life, and that is what is reflected in the platform. now, you mentioned the issue of the exemptions and i would say that the platform is silent on that, and basically, because of federalism, since this issue -- it will send this issue back to the states. >> these are the words that everybody has been seeing and have been in the republican platform now since 1980, and it says that -- >> that is right. >> that you have the assert the inherent dignity of human life,
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and affirm that the unborn child has a right to life and shall not be infringed and we support a right to life amendment to the constitution, and if you got the amendment, and you say that it unborn child is a life that should not be infringed and how does that allow any exemption in the state allow a abortion in the case of rape or incest? >> well, we continue the support a federal life amendment and at this point in time as you know, the issue is directed back to the states. now, under the republican umbrella, and the umbrella of life, you will find that many of us who have the position with governor romney that you allow those exceptions of rape, incest and life of the mother, and then you will find others who have other opinions. on whole, you will see that the republicans support a culture of life. they have and i think that you will see them continue to support this.
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>> i mean, i think that you are making it very clear, but i am also very interested when you say many of us, and this is an interesting question to ask to a woman and it is very different in asking it to a man, but that you, yourself as chairwoman of the party platform support the sanctity of life, but also support those key exemptions of rape or incest? >> yes. you will find individuals that are going to have a different opinions within the pro-life community, and i think that is great. i think that within our party that it is a very good thing that we have this, but reminding you whether it is prenatal or whether it is the end of life, republicans support a culture of life. we have always done that, and you are going to the see us continue to come down on the side of life. >> i mean, you know, it is interesting, because i know there is so much politics in this, but it seems that all humans support a culture of life and sanctity of life, but it is
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how you can define it and who can make the choices where all of the controversy occurs and that brings me to todd akin and you heard him say that many in his own party have overreacted. do you think that people have overreacting to his words and what he says? >> i don't. i find the his words disturbing and i was concerned when i was made aware yesterday of the statements. you know, it is a indefensible comment. >> do you think that he should step aside? are you disappointed that he did not? >> i'm deeply disappointed in the comments, and i think that this type of insensitivity that i would have liked to have seen him move aside and then move forward with someone in the race so that we can put the attention back on the issue that the american people are talking about, and you have talked about our platform in tampa, and most of the platform is about jobs and the economy, and that is what the american people are
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talking about and where they want our focus, and that's what you are going to see when we give you that platform at 2:00 on monday. that's exactly what you are going to find in that document. >> peter hanby has been covering the platform debates all day, the votes and everything, and h joins me now. peter, let me ask you, because you are a member of the political strike team and we asked them, will the debate over abortion brought on by the akin comment, you know, causing entire interviews about the platform with the co-chairwoman to be about specifics on abortion policy rather than jobs hurt the republicans in november and our strike team voted 89%, yes, it will hurt the republicans in november and 11% said no. that is an overwhelming verdict and the strike team is made up of all independents. >> yes, er. if you surveyed all of the activists and the republican officeholders who have been here drafting the republican party's platform, 89% of them would say it is hurting the republican party, too, and their chances of
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taking over the senate this november. it is a unmistakable backdrop to the process and there is a lot of hushed hallway conversations, and a lot of hand wringing in private, but it did not come up by name in the actual committee meeting where they are drafting the platform and until late this afternoon a 22-year-old delegate from alabama brought todd akin's name up in the session, and said in a debate over contraception in what sort of language to put in the platform about contraception, and she said, hey, guys, we need to be a little bit more sensitive about this coming from a younger person's perspective when talking about things of rape and contraceptive and our perception among women. so it did come up once today, erin, but again, the talk about it here is just like the talk out of washington. a lot of people want todd akin out of the race and they want to take the senate back in november and they are afraid they won't be able to now. >> and it is interesting, because we will look at some of this and you hear marsha
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blackburn having to do something she does not want to do which is yes, i support the exemptions or i would allow exceptions this the case of incest or rape, and nobody wants to get that specific. now they will have to show what the party contradicts. painfully mitt romney said the other day his view is on abortion that we just read. >> well, moments ago, virginia governor bob mcdonald the chairman of the committee appointed by mitt romney and the national republican committee and worked with congresswoman blackburn and john hogan on this and i asked him directly, do you think mitt romney will read this platform before accepting the republican nomination next week? mcdonnell paused awkwardly for a moment and said i'm sure his staffers will look at it. mcdonnell was careful to use the
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words like this platform represented the views of grass roots leaders and not specifically the romney campaign, but saying that this is our general statement of principles that many candidates can take a look at and decide where they stand, but look, make no mistake the romney campaign was involved in the process of drafting this platform. there were numerous romney advisers in the entire high command already down here in tampa in the room when they were being drafted and a hand in specific language on certain amendments to the platform. on this one, they chose not the pick a fight, because as you mentioned when john mccain picked a fight about it, it became a huge issue with him and social conservatives, but the romney campaign was involved, and we will see if they want to talk about it in public in the next few days. >> and we know the answer to that being no with so many americans disagreeing with that platform, and that issue is not going ahead. thank you, peter. and now, party crashers, who is the obama administration sending to the republican national convention? this is someone senior they are sending. this is kind of shocking. going to campaign at the
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republican national conversatnt. and nike, they want you to pay more than $300 for a pair of shoes, and did the price tag add up? and did the police go too far with a college student? we have the video of alleged police brutality, and you be the judge. at usaa, we believe honor is not exclusive to the military, and commitment is not limited to one's military oath. the same set of values that drive our nation's military are the ones we used to build usaa bank. with our award winning apps that allow you to transfer funds, pay bills or manage your finances anywhere, anytime. so that wherever your duty takes you, usaa bank goes with you. visit us online to learn what makes our bank so different. it's something you're born with. and inspires the things you choose to do.
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our second story "outfront." joe biden, party crasher. the republics are gearing up for the big convention in tampa next week, and we have learned today that the vice president is also going to be in tampa for the big event. this is a pretty surprising thing and usually the v.p. of the opposing party would not go to the convention of the other party. the veep is being dispatched to speak at so-called counter rallies and the question is, you know, maybe you could send the head of the democratic committee, but joe biden, is that a sign of desperation? and out front tonight, we have
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our panel with us. jamal, let me start with you. >> let's do it. >> okay. in is not standard operating procedure, and never mind it is a guy who might say who the heck knows what, but is this a sign of desperation they will send the number two guy to tampa with the republicans big moment? >> i would not say desperation, but it is aggression, and it is aggression. in 2008, i ran democratic war room at the republican convention and we brought in surrogates from all over the country and tried to make a stink and get into the news when we could, and it is tough to do, but it is clearly raising that to another level and we saw in the end of the democratic convention john mccain announce sarah palin as his vp squashed barack obama's momentum coming out of it and the vp is now the next level of go get them. >> and what do you think that sarah palin did take the wind out of the sails and the paranoia and freak out in your camp, but tim pawlenty and
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others were dispatched who could have been v.p. candidates, but not somebody who spent four years in the white house. >> well, when you look at tampa, it is smack dab in the middle of one of the most competitive states, and it does matter. if the democrats were denied the gop in florida, you have radically reduced the chances that mitt romney would be elected president, and a lot of folks who believe that joe biden is a huge asset for democrats among white working class votes you have a fair number of those voters in and around tampa and lot of the retirees in the region as well. >> and the graphic, and we have the youth for obama -- >> and they have old man demographic is huge on joe biden and it is a shrewd move to have him there. >> and obviously, biden and his propensity to say what he thinks as politico has purported has, you know, caused the real fights
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between him and the president and ban little bit of a lightning rod, this is what people have said about him recently. >> i have never seen a vice president that has made as many mistakes, said as many stupid things. >> and to see that out of the vice president biden, it was sickening to see him stoop to that depth. >> all right. will it backfire or like jamal says the more crazy and weird things he says the more coverage that the democrats will get in the republicans' moment, and so the more crazy, you are, joe, it is a win? >> well, obviously, sending vice president biden into a situation like this, a high stakes situation is always the roll the dice, because with biden, you will get a lot of brilliant moments and gaffes. i think that jamal is right though, that if the point of this is to upstage the gop and distract attention from the convention, this kind of infomercial that is going on, then sending biden there whatever he says is going to distract from the convention as long as it is not a massive
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gaffe and it will end up working in their favor unless he royally screws up. >> and so will paul ryan go to charlotte? >> i am quite confident he won't, and actually that little bit demonstrates the power of joe biden. rudy giuliani is still ticked off at joe biden, because joe biden really got under his skin by just making fun of him constantly in 2008. >> and joe biden can get under people's skin. >> and that is a great talent to have power like that and let him let the free flag fly and see what happens. >> that is not something you hear often. >> and in fact, they have a shorter convention and you to go against the nfl kickoff game, and you are going to lose. i am sorry, am i speaking out of tu. >> you can move biden to thursday night because of that, and so he will speak the same night as the president instead of his own night which is the traditional way of doing it, because football is going to carry it. >> and they put bill clinton against football and this is a guy who could hack it.
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>> and he could hold on to a nugget of rating. >> well, all right. we will see, and of course, everybody, we are watching the tropical storm isaac who could disrupt the entire republican plan. okay. thank you to all three of you. and next the skateboarder's clash with police was caught on tape and a real question of police brutality and that was caught on tape tonight. and nike says that you will probably pay $300 a pair of shoes. and is maui the very tip of a vital iceberg? in that time there've been some good days. and some difficult ones. but, through it all, we've persevered, supporting some of the biggest ideas in modern history. so why should our anniversary matter to you? because for 200 years, we've been helping ideas move from ambition to achievement. and the next great idea could be yours. ♪
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so remember when paying $100 for a running shoe or basketball shoe, i mean, it was just ridiculous and unheard of? well, now we are entering the territory of $300 basketball shoes. nike's lebron 10 will sell for a reported $310 dollars and for those who think that is insane, there is going to be a cheaper version that will sell for a mere $180 according to, and still insane. that pair will not have the nike
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technology that shoe will have. but $315 is a princely sum. because the shoe industry says we have problems an rising costs for things like cotton and all of the things that go into the shoes and the labor costs are rising and then there's the marketing costs. look, here is the truth. we're betting they're going to make a rather indecent profit on this shoe. until they pay the star whose name is on it, because nike has to pay king james the promote these shoes and wow, they pay him well. according to forbes, lebron makes $40 million a year on endorsement deals and $10 million are a year from nike and that is a lot of money for pitching a ugly pair of shoes, but when it comes the basketball shoes, air jordan still reigns supreme. that is the number tonight. $1 billion which is the jordan brands' annual revenue right now, $1 billion and nike has successfully kept that jordan brand alive, well, kicking,
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jumping, everything, and that is amazing given that it has been around since 1985. the department of veteran affairs is under fire tonight for spending $5 million on a couple of conferences in orlando, and does the price tag add up? well, believe us when we say that veteran affairs are far from alone when it comes to boondoggles. and why did china warn that this tension could spin out of control? and then, in one blinding blink of an eye, their tree had given its last. but with their raymond james financial advisor, they had prepared for even the unthinkable. and they danced. see what a raymond james advisor can do for you.
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welcome back to the second half of "outfront." we start with the stories that we care about where we focus on the reporting from the front lines. so we begin in dallas tonight. dallas county officials confirming the 11th west nile death. a cdc official tells "outfront" that the teams are arriving in texas to assist the public health officials with advice on west nile virus prevention. this is after the officials declared a state of emergency in the county last week. there have been 693 west nile cases reported this year, and half of them just nearly half have been in texas. well, new satellite images show north korea has
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successfully placed a dome on top of a nuclear reactor. these were sent to us from gijoe and ssi jane. you can see the date is june 24th, and you can see the dome sitting beside the building, and now, there is a new picture and this is the picture on august 6th and you can see if you look that the dome is in place. the ihs jane's calls it a new development, although it could take a long time for the facility to be operational, it's unclear how soon they could do it. nuclear weapon, but north korea says that the reactor is going to be used to produce civilian electricity. iran has developed new weapons, and they have a new upgraded missile and in addition they say leaders have started construction on a military defense site. started construction on a new
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website with mahmoud ahmadinajad saying that the weapons are for defense only, and we spoke to a spokesperson who said that iran has been making these announcements for years. for years, and this does come as israel's channel 10 today reported that benjamin netanyahu is determined to attack iran before the presidential elections, and this is an area that is a big area of concern for the united states and spring and talked down, and if this is moving forward, it is significant. a couple of weeks ago, we told you about a massive patent battle between apple and samsung. you may remember it. apple says that samsung says it copied the designs and samsung says that apple is using the technology well, they couldn't settle it and that case is going to the jury. the judge actually says it's going to quote, put everyone into a coma. i looked at the instruction jury sheet. it was 109 pages long and
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that's -- 84 instructions, you've got to go through this patent this, patent that. it's crazy. the form jurors are going to use to record their verdict is 20 pages long. well, it's about 383 days since the u.s. lost its top credit rating. what are we doing to get it back? in a new report standard and poor's says that the chances of recession have raised and the european crisis and the fiscal cliff and the hard landing for china have added greater uncertainty for the u.s. and now the third story "outfront." government waste or the cost of doing business? we had an interesting segment today. we found out that the federal government spends more than $15 billion a year on travel which is half of the size of the entire budget for the u.s. justice department. and according to the senator tom coburn is wasteful and some of them are conventions where you do zip lining, and who is doing
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them? according to darrell issa, one group is the veteran affairs department. currently is being investigated for spending $5 million on two conferences in orlando last summer. this headline comes after the 9th circuit court of appeals, one of the most influential courts spent millions in maui. tom is with us, and he tracks waste and fraud. he's "outfront" tonight. i want to start with the veterans affair before we get to the maui situation. $5 million on two conferences in orlando. representative issa says they spent $52,000 for a video for the training conference, and then $84,000 on pens and hand sanitizers and i mean, i feel badly make a joke about this, but isn't that absurd? >> it is absurd because the gsa
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conference scandal has occurred and the usda has been investigated for conferences and every agency is abusing the travel budgets and unfortunately, erin, congress has not done anything to stop it. the house has passed a bill and the senate has passed an amendment to restrict the amendment of money for conferences and the amount of people who can go outside of the country for conferences, and they have not sent that bill to the president's desk where he would sign it. >> translator: why haven't. >> we also of course have heard about congressmen skinny dipping in the dead sea doing it on who knows what budget that was on, and is this a case that people don't want to shine the light too brightly on other people's budget, because itould be shining back on themselves? >> one of the reasons that their popularity has hit another new low, the house has passed a new bill on its own, the senate
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passed abill to the postal bill, the senate didn't pass the data transparency bill, it's just a mess. it typifies what is going on this year. even the most clear example of government waste cannot be eliminated by congress. >> let's talk about the ninth circuit court of appeals situation. they went to maui. they said it was too late to cancel because they booked it two years ago. they said we booked it two years ago when the economy was in better shape. the economy went into crisis in 2008, not 2010. so i don't even understand the excuse. >> this is another example of abuse. the judicial branch in particular doesn't feel particularly responsible for spending money. you can't fire the judges, of course. but the oversight committee has said, and made the point that they need to be accountable. finally they canceled next year's event. four out of the five last conferences that the ninth circuit has had, they're
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headquartered in california by the way, have been somewhere in hawaii. they've already been abusing their privileges over the past decade. they just finally got caught. >> can they be reprimanded. >> no other than the congress reducing the amount of money that they can use for their conferences. the white house has proposed a 30% cut, the congress has gone along. they've said 75% cut. so this is something that again needs to be done. it's not a huge amount of money at 15 billion or whatever it might be. but it's an easy thing for anyone else to reduce travel when they're having financial problems. everybody here in washington doesn't seem to get that they're driving the country over the cliff and they need to stop the minimal spending compared to the $4 trillion budget we have. >> when you do the math and you add it up, how big are these numbers? obviously you want to get rid of waste and abuse. but we're in a debate over how much more revenue we need to
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raise and it's hard to have that conversation when you are don't know how much money you're wasting in the first place. we don't need more revenue to pay for stuff like this. >> that's for sure. citizens against government waste has a report called prime cuts. and senator coburn and senator sessions have analyzed reports showing duplication and overlap and they estimate $400 billion a year and that's again about 11% of the entire budget. i don't think anyone would argue that's too much to cut out of the federal government. now our fourth story "outfront." u.s. marines today began serious, this is month-long exercises in the western pacific. some of these exercises will be done alongside japan, which has china mad. in an editorial, chinese state media warned the united states not to fan the flame in the region.
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tensions are already extremely high thanks to a dispute between china and japan over uninhabited islands. both countries claim to own them. pentagon correspondent chris lawrence is "outfront" tonight. >> reporter: it's a frightening scenario. american troops backing their japanese allies, drawn into a conflict with china. and fighting over nothing more than some uninhabited islands and a few rocks. u.s. marines and japanese troops are beginning new exercises like this one, practicing how to recapture occupied islands. a defense official says it's just part of the marines' annual requalification training and not directed at any particular nation. china doesn't see it that way. and on tuesday, a state editorial warned the u.s. not
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to, quote, fan the flame in the region. it suggested the situation could spiral out of control. >> tensions are clearly rising. >> reporter: all of this, over a small cluster of islands that no one even lives on. they're privately administered by the japanese, but the chinese claim they are the rightful owners. >> these guys have got to work this out and we're not going to take a side with it. >> reporter: while officially neutral, the u.s. defense treaty means it would have to back japan in a military confrontation over these islands. >> i think behind the scenes, the united states is probably encouraging all parties, including japan, to not take any actions that are going to further cause tensions to potentially spiral out of control. >> reporter: like recent incidents in which chinese protester it is turn violent and japanese nationalists wave their
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flag. >> >> translator: this is japan's territory. >> reporter: the pentagon has traditionally conducted surveillance flights. >> we've up greated the cap ablts and now we're going to fly drones over the areas which would provide better surveillance capabilities so there would be more situational awareness of what is taking place in that region. >> so when you talk about this and you talk about the fear factor, we hear so much about these cuts coming, that the defense department is taking unprecedented cuts, the force will be hollowed out, our navy will be weaker than it's been in decades if not more. but are we really getting bigger in the pacific. >> if you listen to the promises in all the plans, this certainly sounds big.
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we have been pulling troops out of europe for the last couple of years, winding down the war in afghanistan and now you're seeing new partnerships with militaries of other countries in the region, like vietnam. the navy says that within four years it's going to have about 60% it's assets there in the pacific. it's going to come down to money. congress is expected to cut at least $50 billion a year from the pentagon's budget, there are a lot of people questioning whether the u.s. could afford a second aircraft airier group or a new base in the pacific with those kind of cuts coming. >> it will be interesting of course if china were to suddenly ramp that up. chris, china came out and said, forget it, back off. did the u.s. heed that warning? are we responding at all or we ignoring them? >> military officials say they're going ahead with the exercise. they say look, these marines ve to get re-qualified.
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that these exercises are taking place a thousand miles away from the actual disputed islands and it has nothing to do with it and they are saying china and japan hopefully can come to some agreement eventually. they don't want anything to spark any conflekt in that area right now. >> a college student sasz he was the victim of police brutality. he said an officer said to him he didn't beat him up enough. he's still a smart ass copd makes it hard to breathe,
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we're back with tonight's outer circle where we roich out with our sources throughout the world. we go to lebanon tonight. in neighboring syria is spurring over and spurring sectarian clashes. our arwa damon was there. >> it is difficult to see where it is exactly coming from. this part of tripoli is a historic sectarian faultline between sunni and allawite neighborhood separated by a street called syria street. the lebanese army was firing on both sides trying to beat them into submission, and realizing it needs to keep control over
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the situation. some residents were evacuating and moving through makeshift holes blasted through walls, and crawling down staircases that have been put into place to allow them to safely move up or to allow them to allow the fighters to move into position. the great concern amongst the residents is that generation of lebanese will grow up only learning the lessons of war. >> thank you, arwa. our next story "outfront." venice college student says that four l.a.p.d. officers wrestled him to the ground and put him in handcuffs. you are looking at cell phone video that captured the arrest of ronald weekly, jr., and including the part where it looks like the officer punched the 20-year-old in the face. all right. you can see this happening right here. you can see the altercation on the ground, and again, he was skateboarding down the street.
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get the background here with our own casey wian who filed this report. >> reporter: as ronald weekley, jr., approached reporters to describe being arrested and beaten by los angeles police officers saturday evening, allegedly after a skateboarding traffic infraction, he struggled to fight back tears. >> he hit me twice right away, and i started screaming and yelling, because i thought i was going to die. i needed someone to see what was going on. >> reporter: someone did. the cell phone video shows four officers on top of weekley and one appears to punch him in the face. weekley's attorney says he was hit four times and sustained a broken cheekbone and nose and concussion. >> and the question, why did they confront and assault this college student? because he was skating on the wrong side of the road or because he was the wrong color? >> reporter: what prompted the police to stop weekley on the skateboard in the residential street in the first place is in dispute.
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the los angeles police department says he was skating in traffic, and then the arresting officer said he was skate boarding on the wrong side of the street. weekly says they grabbed him as he was trying to enter his residence. he is being charged with resisting a police officer with force which allegedly happened before the camera was rolling. the lapd is investigating. >> my plea to the community is to let the investigations proceed, and they will be independent and reviewed at the highest levels of the lapd, but more importantly, they will be reviewed by the independent inspector general and the independent police commission. >> reporter: and representatives of the lapd's civilian oversight authority monitored the news conference, but they declined to comment. weekley's attorney plans a lawsuit and demanding that the officer who threw this punch be held accountable. casey wian, cnn, venice, california. "outfront" tonight, ronald
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weekly junior joins us along with benjamin krump. let me ask you, what happened? you were skate boarding down the street and tell me from there, what happened when the officers came over. >> i was just skate boarding down the street about to ender my house, when i was immediately grabbed by my hair. i didn't know what was going on, they grabbed me by my hair, shoulders and back and they immediately threw me on the ground. i alized what was going on. i wasn't going to resist whatsoever. i said you guys have my hands, they cuffed me. they had my legs, the officers jumped on me. as the other officer put his knee on my back and just started bunching me in me face and that's when i screamed somebody help me. >> have you seen the officers before this happened? did you know they were there? had you said anything to them or
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was this literally out of the blue? >> this was completely out of the blue. >> so why do you think they did it? >> when i was in the back of the patrol car throwing up, one of the officers said to me that i was a dumb a-hole because i didn't stop at the stop sign. >> so stop at the stop sign. benjamin crump, why do you think they arrested him? >> well, certainly, erin, i think it has the pretext of r e race. venice california is known for being a culture of skate boarding. they don't stop anybody from skate boarding. it's a civil infraction. it's a civil fine. it's nothing that you assault a
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law-abiding citizen for, for skate boarding on the wrong side of the road, because that's the other version they told his family why they stopped him. but really it comes down to it wasn't the wrong side of the road. they came and attacked him because he was the wrong race. and they have a coacher of this, thank god for that videotape. he got punched four times. and there was no reason why this man was handcuffed for them to hit him in his face four times. >> i want to read to you the response from the lapd. they say until we fully complete the investigation and look at the circumstances of the incident, it would be inappropriate to discuss further the details the arrest or the use of force. it's standard procedure with all use of force incidents, we will thoroughly investigate it and it will be reviewed at the highest levels of the department. obviously you have a video that shows a certain part that happened. are you open that something else
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may have happened that was not on that video that would change the way you see this? >> absolutely not. there are so many witnesses that watched this from the very beginning. the thing that is so unbelievable is that the cop knew that people were watching and yet he still punched him in the face four times. and it goes to the simple fact we want the officer held accountable and immediately suspended pending this investigation. and we want the l.a. county district attorney to drop these charges against ronald weekley junior. his college career has been turned upside down because of this assault and battery by the lapd. >> benjamin crump also representing the family of trayvon martin. next, the postal service takes a chance on the sim sons.
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so as antiquated as the u.s. postal service business model may seem, but they are here to say. the postal service ranks number
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three in the united states of america behind only the federal government and wal-mart in the number of employees. but in their latest gaffe, the inspector general has announced a $1.2 million loss from the printing of simpson's stamps. it seems the poeflal service ordered a billion of them and wound up selling less then a third of them. you might ask, why can't they just keep on selling them? because they have 44 cents print odd every one of the so in a rather unfortunate move the post office raised the price in january 2012, which means the stamps are obsolete. they keep raising postage all the time,y